Understand college opportunities offered to you, application requirements, what makes an applicant competitive, and resources available.

Make well-informed decisions best suited to your specific aspirations. Actions now shape opportunities later.

Civilian Colleges
Palauans have the opportunity to apply to both public and private four-year colleges across all 50 states. Public universities are funded heavily by the local, state, and federal governments. Students pay the remainder of costs through tuition. Private universities rely on student tuition, endowments, research grants, and alumni contributions for funding. There are general differences between public and private universities that hold true for, not all, but the majority of schools. We encourage you to explore the differences between these two types of colleges whether it's tuition cost, acceptance rates, student to professor ratio, campus diversity and sizes, research opportunities, majors available, reputation, and more. Identify advantages and disadvantages for each university type as it applies to your situation and aspirations.

Civilian Colleges
Palauans have the opportunity to apply to Military Service Academies in the United States. Students who attend these four-year institutions receive a bachelor's degree in their major of choice at no cost to the individual student. Military Service Academies are highly selective and prestigious, desiring applicants who meet significant physical standards, have excelled academically though GPA and standardized testing, and demonstrate an ability to lead and service the community through extracurricular activities. Applicants must receive a nomination from the President of Palau and endorsement from the U.S. Embassy to be eligible for acceptance. Candidates complete the application process through each institution's portal emailed to them following nomination. Additionally, Military Service Academies require all prospects to take the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) as part of the application process.

Explore Colleges
CollegeBoard was founded in 1900 and was created to expand access to higher education. This website connects students to college success and opportunity. Click left to create a free account to explore civilian and military colleges.
Explore Colleges
CollegeBoard was founded in 1900 and was created to expand access to higher education. This website connects students to college success and opportunity. Click left to create a free account to explore civilian and military colleges.
Want to attend a civilian college but am still interested in the military and in need of scholarship money?
For Palauans who have United States citizenship, Reserved Officers' Training Corps (widely referred to as "ROTC") is an opportunity to explore. ROTC programs are offered at many public and private universities across all 50 states and available through the Army, Navy or Marine Corps, and Air Force. Students must apply to civilian colleges and separately complete the ROTC application process. The ROTC application prompts students to annotate their top colleges of choice, or rather, those in which they are currently seeking admission. For applicants who are competitive, ROTC programs will select a college and award scholarship money to that particular school for the candidate to accept or deny. The most competitive applicants are offered scholarships that pay four years of full tuition. In exchange for scholarship money, students commit to serve in the military upon graduation for a certain amount of time. For example, those awarded the Navy ROTC scholarship to a particular university will attend that university while completing military requirements and will serve as an Officer in the United States Navy upon graduation for a designated contract.
General Application Requirements
Transcript (GPA, Classes)
Standardized Test Scores (SAT or ACT)
Resume (Extracurricular Activities)
Letters of Recommendation
Additional Requirements for Military Service Academies Only
Fitness Assessment
Presidential Nomination
U.S. Embassy Endorsement
How do I know what GPA and scores will make me competitive for a particular school?
Step 1: Make a CollegeBoard account.
Step 2: Click the "College Search" tab under the main menu.
Step 3: Type in a college of your choice under "Search by college name".
Step 4: Click the "Admissions" tab.
Step 5: Explore the "Admissions" tab to learn more about standardized test scores and GPA that would make you competitive for acceptance.
Freshman Year Checklist
Have you made a CollegeBoard account?
Have you explored college opportunities offered to you whether civilian or military?
Have you researched the GPA and standardized test scores that will make you competitive on college applications?
Have you researched the fitness scores that will make you competitive for Military Service Academies?
What extracurricular activities will be your focus (service to the community, sports, research projects, internships, and leadership roles)?
Practice standardized testing requirements and create a plan of action to complete application deliverables, maintain necessary standards for admission, and pursue financial aid.

Make yourself more competitive on college applications. Take the steps to turn an aspiration into a reality.
Practice Standardized Testing
Khan Academy
"Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science...and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. We focus on skill mastery to help learners establish strong foundations, so there's no limit to what they can learn next!"
Testing InformationScroll down to the "Standardized Test Dates" section on the button above for more information.
Complete a Plan of Action

Define a clear and specific goal.

Ensure you can track progress on your goal.

Ensure your goal is realistic and within your control.

Ensure your goal aligns with your aspirations.

Assign a target date of completion to hold yourself accountable.
Financial Aid ResourcesSophomore Year Checklist
Have you made a Kahan Academy account?
Have you practiced standardized tests extensively?
Have you reviewed the college application timelines and researched deadlines to set goals for yourself throughout the application process (financial aid, scholarships, test scores, GPA)?
Have you been working out to reach the fitness standards required for Military Service Academies if interested?
What extracurricular activities are your focus (service to the community, sports, research projects, internships, and leadership roles)?
Implement your plan of action to complete application requirements. Meet standards as outlined by your colleges of choice whether academics, physical, or extracurricular.

Receive admittance to the colleges that most align with your aspirations.
Junior Year Checklist
Have you practiced standardized tests extensively?
Have you taken the SAT at least twice by the end of this year?
Have you created a CommonApp account?
Have you met your college applications goals so far?
Do you have a plan for financial aid or scholarships?
Have you been working out to reach the fitness standards required for Military Service Academies if interested?
What extracurricular activities are your focus (service to the community, sports, research projects, internships, and leadership roles)?
Have you created a resume?
Have you researched successful college essays to see examples?
Have you asked teachers for letters of recommendation?
Explore both the challenges and rewards of moving to another country for college.

Establish the foundation to be successful while studying abroad.
Senior Year Checklist
Have you taken one last SAT (if needed) to try to achieve a higher score?
For Service Academies: Have you taken the fitness test required for your application? Have you received a nomination from the President? Has the U.S. Embassy endorsed you?
Are there any final extracurricular activities that deserve your attention to make your resume more competitive?
Have you updated your resume?
Have you received letters of recommendation?
Have you written your essay?
Have you met all college application deadlines?
Have you finalized your plan for financial aid or scholarships?
Have you discussed the transition of studying abroad with family, friends, and mentors?